Dutch Design Week (DDW)_International Symposium on FUTUREGYM, Sports and Vitality

  • Date:Saturday, Oct 28th, 2017
  • Time:11:00-17:30
  • Venue:Klokgebouw, Strijp Area

A one-day seminar and demonstration, titled “FUTUREGYM, Sports, and Vitality”, was organized by the University of Tsukuba and the Technical University of Eindhoven (TU/e). The event featured research presentations, open discussions, and demonstrations. We introduced the interactive school gymnasium with a large-scale and interactive floor projection system in a special-needs school setting. The seminar also focused on innovation in sports and vitality for society in public spaces, exploring the possibilities enabled by data.
The main goal of the seminar was to facilitate an intensive exchange between designers and participants, as well as foster discussions among participants. Several world-leading professionals were invited to deliver talks, followed by ample discussion slots where participants could share their opinions with the speakers. Additionally, we demonstrated a miniaturized FUTUREGYM, social imaging devices, and an interactive media circle system.
It is important to note that FUTUREGYM is not just the future of the gymnasium, but also a flagship project aimed at improving the future of every child, regardless of whether they are autistic, neurotypical, or have other types of disabilities. This project is part of a larger research initiative called “Social Imaging: Technologies for Supporting Creative Activities and Facilitating Social Interaction,” which is funded by the Japan Science and Technology Agency CREST (2014-2020).

Kenji Suzuki, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan
Aarnout Brombacher, TU/e, Netherlands
Narcís Parés, Univ. Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Antonio Camurri, Univ. of Genoa, Italy
Steven Vos, TU/e, Netherlands
Caroline Hummels, TU/e, Netherlands
Itaru Kitahara, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan
Issey Takahashi, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan
Taku Hachisu, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan
Mika Oki, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan
Airi Tsuji, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan
Soichiro Matsuda, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan
Takasuke Nagai, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan
Pierre Levy, TU/e, Netherlands
Roy van den Heuvel, TU/e, Netherlands